Successful adoption remains one of the biggest challenges in any enterprise implementation – impeding value realization from investments in PLM. Traditionally, companies have underinvested in training and Organization Change Management (OCM) related activities – as a result of which many users are unable to fully utilize the features of extended PLM applications.

Clients partner with ITC Infotech for user enablement and adoption programs post implementation to avoid the pitfalls of abandoned projects, sunk costs and frustrated employees.

Our approach to any extended PLM implementation is based on two premises. Firstly, identify people risk and mitigate them through various change management interventions – education, stakeholder’s communication and management, early buy-in from leadership team – to cascade change intent through change agents. Secondly, ensure optimum training and adoption through effective training strategy, role-based and competency-based training delivery, support and hand holding, reinforced through effective roll-out of reward and recognition schemes and support to users on an on-going basis.

ITC Infotech’s Digitalient Plm Training Modules

Delivering Results

Today’s enterprises need to adopt to changing business dynamics quickly. However, large-scale enterprise-wide change is often faced with resistance from employees across levels and lack of a robust governance structure to manage change.

ITC Infotech’s OCM engagement and communication frameworks are aligned with extended PLM implementation tracks and is carried out in a three-phased plan – lead and sustains (PLS) supported by continuous effective communication. We follow an AUPIC model – Awareness, Understanding, Participation, Involvements and Commitments to get early buy-in and commitment from end users, and to reinforce the change intentions among all impacted stakeholders.

First Phase

Starts with an exercise to understand the organizational structure and assess existing processes to support the implementation – employee perceptions on the forthcoming PLM program, culture of the organization and readiness of the impacted employees to accept the change.

Based on these assessments, change management strategies and plans are created.

Robust Services to Ensure Successful Adoption of Extended PLM Implementations:

  • Train the trainer
  • End-user training
  • Process-based training
  • e-Learning
  • On-demand subscription
  • End-user support panel
  • Tips and tricks

Second and Third Phases

The focus is on creating leadership buy-in and cascading it through various workshops, town halls, road shows and other communication channels across the impacted organization.

Furthermore, training and adoption strategies are created and deployed to ensure optimal user adoption with minimal productivity lag.

To strengthen and ensure the success of the extended PLM program, change teams are created to cascade the essence of change across the organization. A comprehensive communication plan is developed to bring greater visibility and understanding on project benefits, training needs and What’s-In-It-For-Me (WIIFM).

Business Benefits

  • Alignment of strategic intent, operational capacity and people adoption
  • A process-driven system that works for the organization and employees by minimizing negative impact and ensuring smooth transition and transformation
  • Increased business awareness among stakeholders through sustained communication strategy
  • Comfortable and confident employees to successfully support customers

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