Sustainability Management imperatives will take more centerstage in coming days with increased awareness in the subject, changing regulatory environment, customers becoming more conscious about sustainability practices from manufacturers of products they buy, businesses mandating more transparency from their partners, investors using ESG scores as one aspect to make investment choices, society becoming more conscious and demanding better practices on carbon footprint of businesses & reporting needs becoming more frequent. Enterprises are also focusing on this area to enhance their Brand reputation & improve operational efficiencies. Sustainability is increasingly becoming not only a CXO priority but across the stakeholders in the business value chain and global citizens.

Service Offerings

Our Focus Areas on Digital Solution


% Reduction in Specific Emission

Annual Specific Emissions

Absolute Annual Emissions (Tons CO2 equivalent)

Energy Indirect GHG Emission (Tons CO2 equivalent)


Specific Energy Consumption Reduction

Absolute Energy Consumption

% of Energy from Renewable Sources

% of Grid Electricity from Renewable Sources


% Reduction in Specific Water Consumption

Specific Water Consumption

Water Consumption & Discharge

% of Total Volume of Water Recycled & Reused


Specific Waste Generated

Annual Waste Generation

Waste Treatment (Recycle/ Reuse) %

Waste Generation Performance by Business

Differentiators of our Solution for Manufacturing

Data Ingestion from Sources
Data Management
Visualizations (Analytics) & Reporting
Feed to Destination Systems

From source of data, transformations thru’ to consumption
Include functional areas of Energy, Emission, Water & Waste


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