Manufacturing Intelligence Platform

Platform-based applied intelligence solution with a focus on machine uptime, predictive maintenance, customer experience, and operational insights.


MES Xpress

MES Express is an out of box solution designed to manage all core shop floor processes across Production, Quality, Maintenance, and Warehouse. The solution acts as a starter kit for organizations planning a full-fledged MES implementation and meets the requirements of smaller enterprises with limited functionality requirements. The processes are configured for specific sectors using industry best practices. MES Xpress helps reduce implementation lead time & cost significantly.


Digital Factory Solutions

Accelerate Industry 4.0 transformation and connected manufacturing through IoT, connectivity, analytics, AI, automation, mobility, and AR. Digital Factory deployment on industry template with deployment excellence enables shorter time to market using integration, analytics, and transparency of information. This will enhance collaboration, efficiency, safety, and performance KPIs across the factory shop floor. Our solutions on Digital Factory consists of:

  • Asset Advisor: Real-time monitoring of the status and health of critical production assets. Detect anomalies to identify potential issues that could result in unplanned downtime
  • Quality Advisor: Real-time monitoring of the status of critical quality metrics and systems. Detect anomalies to identify potential issues that could result in defects & non-conformances
  • Process Advisor: Real-time monitoring of the status of critical production metrics and systems. Detect anomalies to identify potential issues that could result in deviation in the process
  • Energy Advisor: Real-time monitoring of the status of critical energy metrics and systems. Detect anomalies to identify potential issues that could result in high energy costs


Factory Command & Control Solutions

Being able to track performance in real-time, conduct trend analysis, and get insights for initiating actions are some of the key requirements for any manufacturing plant. Factory Command & Control Center helps in building performance visibility at the machine, section, plant, country, and global level by sourcing data from MES and other enterprises IT applications. The solution helps in inter-site benchmarking and improvement opportunities identification. The solution is designed in a way that helps in deep diving at the KPI level to understand the reasons for the performance gap and help initiate the analysis.


Intelligent Supply Chain Design and Optimization

A platform-based solution to optimize supply chain operations with advanced analytics with a key focus on predicting outcomes with simulation, AI, and automation.


Digital Workplace Solution

Enhance the end-user experience and business productivity at lower TCO through transformation driven by the Intelligent Digital Workplace Platform.

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