Market information data has traditionally been used by airlines only to carry out analysis relating to sales, pricing and market shares. A sustainable and profitable business model today demands real-time insights that powers agility in decision making processes.

Competitive intelligence is an important component of business processes that help in formulating market-oriented strategies with respect to capacity allocation, segmentation and pricing as well as proactive inventory management.

ITC Infotech’s competitive intelligence solution framework helps airlines integrate competitive intelligence data (MIDT- Marketing Information Data Transfer) with other relevant data across applications, based on the functions being analyzed. This integrated approach is essential to effectively use competitive intelligence across the organization, thereby maximizing potential and helping shape airline analytics.

Business Challenges

Airlines source marketing intelligence data from multiple sources and vendors. The ability to integrate data from varied sources with internally generated data streams remains a constant challenge.

MIDT can provide an interesting view of customer behavior and preferences, provided this integration is carried out in an effective manner. Sophisticated analytics and algorithms can analyze these disparate data sets to reflect a market’s true demand.

Solution Overview

ITC Infotech’s market intelligence solution is structured as a layered solution founded on the deep understanding of airline data, down to each component. We help airlines revise their understanding of market segments using PNR data which is the building block of MIDT.

Our solutions are technology agnostic and can be deployed atop any DW or application technology that an airline maybe using. The analytics needs of an airline across all functions are translated into predefined analysis flows which are built-in and can be customized. These also drive predefined dashboards and reports that offer the same flexibility for customization. Integration of MIDT with data from internal applications is handled via integrations that the system provides. Our solution framework is powered by our deep domain knowledge and ability to handle diverse data ensuring airlines are able to respond to market trends quickly, coherently and precisely.

A leading South Asian airline has partnered with ITC Infotech to review and redefine their prevailing Market Intelligence reports. As part of a larger data warehouse engagement, ITC Infotech has integrated multiple internal source systems to create an operation data storage. We used IATA ODS and MIDT to create a unified view of forward bookings and market share changes. For a leading Middle Eastern airline, ITC Infotech demonstrated how Big Data technology can be used to process large MIDT data quickly, to create structured reports and further use Tableau to create interactive charts, tables and other data representations thereby delivering improved visibility into operations and the ability to make more informed decisions.


In view of the increasing focus on profitability and market leadership, detailed analysis of all market information available becomes imperative while formulating business strategies. The key business benefits include:

  • Clarity of competitive landscape
  • Improved use and understanding of MIDT
  • Technology agnostic solutions
  • Predefined analysis flows and dashboards
  • Customized integration packs

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