Executive Summary

A leading furniture manufacturer partnered with DxP Services to streamline their Product Development process and improve collaboration within the organization.

Business Challenge

  • Departments working in silos, non standardized PD processes
  • Multiple in-house systems for managing Product information
  • Double work (manual) to synch information across platforms
  • Lack of clarity in work ownership
  • Standardization of language from their local language to English

Business Challenge

  • Departments working in silos, non standardized PD processes
  • Multiple in-house systems for managing Product information
  • Double work (manual) to synch information across platforms
  • Lack of clarity in work ownership
  • Standardization of language from their local language to English

Our Solution

  • Process refinement sessions to define their TO-BE process based on industry best practices
  • Standardization of PD data, ownership definition, supplier management etc. in PLM
  • Integration between ERP & PLM for data flow to downstream systems

Key Results And Benefits

  • Streamlined PD Processes
  • Centralised data management
  • Reduced dependency on their in-house data management platforms. Some in-house platforms have been identified for removal in the near future
  • Improved collaboration within the teams
  • Improved reporting capabilities on Product Development

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About DxP Services

DxP Services is an ITC Infotech specialized business unit focused on the implementation and adoption of PTC’s industry-leading Windchill®, Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software, as well as Cloud and Windchill+® SaaS offerings. Created through the acquisition of PTC’s PLM implementation services division, DxP Services is the largest global PTC PLM ecosystem. The combination of PTC Heritage and ITC Infotech Power means that DxP Services is uniquely positioned to help accelerate customers’ digital transformation initiatives.

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