Healthcare, with a dose of digital

Medical Regulatory & Compliance Solution

ITC Infotech enables the 4Ps of the Healthcare Industry—Payers, Providers, Pharma and Products—with services and solution aimed at improving the quality of care so that patients can lead healthier and more productive lives. Our team of technologists and domain experts bring fresh ideas that go beyond the conventional approach to care management with the goal of improving productivity, outcomes and reducing costs.

We use proven technology ranging from Artificial Intelligence to automation, data science, and predictive analytics to deliver excellence in product engineering, application development/ maintenance/ support, user experience, system integration and QA/ testing. This is in addition to providing services for Infrastructure Management (Cloud & IOT) that deliver business value while improving end-customer satisfaction.

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Our solutions result in a 10X improvement in consumer adoption and a 3X improvement in member engagement while cutting down implementation time by 80%.


Specialized solutions to enhance customer experience, improve care delivery and generate value across the organization

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Enhanced Member Engagement

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Improved Customer Adoption

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Reduced Implementation Time

Why ITC Infotech

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“Healthcare consumption across the world is changing dramatically from a cost and mode of delivery. ITC Infotech is committed to help Payers , Providers and Life Sciences companies transform their business models for adapting to the new continuum leveraging technology to drive business outcomes of superior care delivery at optimal cost.”

Who we partner with

CPG - Salesforce partner logo
CPG - Anaplan partner logo
ITC Infotech partners - simplify healthcare
ITC Infotech partner servicenow logo
ITC Infotech partner - LogMeIn 2
CPG - Salesforce partner logo
CPG - Anaplan partner logo
ITC Infotech partner servicenow logo
ITC Infotech partners - simplify healthcare
ITC Infotech partner - LogMeIn 2

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